19 August, 2009

A round up of ridiculous stories


Apparently a Swedish tabloid has printed a story accusing the IDF of harvesting the organs of Arabs.

Jewish blood libel? Seriously? That topic is so last crusade. Go back to 1508!


U2 has written the music and lyrics to an upcoming Spider-Man Rock Opera called "Turn Off the Dark." The Edge described the work not as a musical, but more of an opera, because "musicals are really pants."

"(fill in the blank) is really pants" officially tops my list of potential last words before I die.


France is under attack by Chinese hornets. Thank God these are actual bees and not an escape of the nanobees I reported earlier. Unfortunately for the French there is no central bee authority to surrender to. Waving white flags just makes them ornerier.


Recycle your dildo. I need only quote a section of the text: "To recycle the sex toys drop it in the mail. Please clean them first. Yes, they can be used sex toys. They can also be unused. They can even be broken sex toys."

I've heard reducing your carbon footprint referred to as indulgences, but this is ridiculous.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe "[fill in the blank] is really pants" tops "Avenge me!" on your list.
